Talk Radio Host Says Newly Elected Democratic Senator from Alabama’s Snub of Richard Shelby Signals He May Not Be As ‘Moderate’ As He Claimed

Alabama’s Yellowhammer News reported a sharp piece of analysis  on Friday by Huntsville, Alabama talk radio host Dale Jackson that shows the loyalties of newly-elected Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) lie with the national policies of liberal Democrats, not with the more conservative policies of most Alabamians, and especially his colleague in the United States Senate, Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL).

It was Shelby’s denunciation of Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper just two days before the December 12 special election in which Jones pulled of a surprising 1.5 percent victory over Moore that may have turned the tide in Jones’ favor.

Jones’ first official act as a newly elected member of the United States Senate was a stunning break in protocol that was a direct personal insult of Shelby, Jackson writes:

In the race for the U.S. Senate, Doug Jones cast himself as a moderate Democrat who would work across the aisle and get things done; now one wonders if this was all just a marketing ploy. On the day of his swearing in, Jones decided to choose former Vice President Joe Biden to escort him down the aisle for his swearing in. Traditionally, the senior senator from Alabama, Richard Shelby, would be given the honor. But according to WAAY-31 TV, that wasn’t in the cards:

“Senator Shelby’s office tells WAAY 31 no one from Jones’ team ever asked Shelby to do the honor.”

Why this matters: If Jones is going to be a moderate, he will have to work with Republicans. An immediate insult to Shelby and Senate traditions won’t endear him to his colleagues. You would think Jones would like to thank Shelby because Shelby really put his neck out when he voted for “a distinguished Republican” over Roy Moore.

You can read the rest of the story here.

Jones’ sudden turn to the left should surprise no one who watched the millions of dollars funneled to support his campaign by far left interest groups through an Alabama independent expenditure group.

The same far left interest groups who poured so much money into the Alabama special election to help elect Jones are certain to do the same for presumptive Democratic Senate nominee Phil Bredesen in Tennessee when he faces off in the November 2018 general election against the Republican nominee. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) is the current front runner in the race for the GOP nomination.




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One Thought to “Talk Radio Host Says Newly Elected Democratic Senator from Alabama’s Snub of Richard Shelby Signals He May Not Be As ‘Moderate’ As He Claimed”

  1. Jim Forsythe

    Alabama was stupid to elect a liberal democrat! The citizens will regret electing this jerk over the next six years.
